Thursday, June 5, 2008

School Rally

School Rally
All through our college a voice is resounding,
Promptly respond to your duty sweet call,
Hearken you all for the trumpet is sounding,
Your Mater's proclaiming her watchwords to all.
Forward her children dear,
Ever with hearts sincere.
Render with joy to your Mater her due.
All that is vile reject,
Heaven will e'er protect.
Sons of St Paul's valiant and true
(verse 2)
"Virtue and Labour" your motto still bearing,
Forward with courage in ways that are just,
True to your standard be doing and daring,
As faithful Paulians in Heaven your trust.
(verse 3)
Forward and upward in life's earnest battle,
Joyously bearing the brunt of the fight,
Nobly forgiving for aught that may pain you,
And bravely defending the cause of the right.
(verse 4)
Seek not the baubles displayed by this vain world,
Heaven's the centre to which you must tend,
Serve Him alone who at death can reward you,
And vow to be faithful and true to the end.

Victory March (somewhat similar to St Paul's Institution's School Rally)

Cheer, cheer, for Old St. Paul's,
Wake up the echoes cheering her name.
Send a volley of cheers on high,
Shake down the thunder from the sky.
What tho' the odds be great or small,
Old St. Paul's will win over all.
While her loyal sons are marching,
Onward to victory.
St. Paul's.
Rise boys and fondly proclaim,
That ye will never sully her name.
Let the hills and woodlands ring,
Live up your hearts and loudly sing.
What though the way be rough or steep,
We unto virtue summons will keep.
And if e'er our country needs us,
Loyal and true we'll be.
St. Paul's.